Sunday, 13 September 2015

Random Musings #2

I missed a post last week--le gasp!! 

Now that we're over the shock that no one actually felt, welcome to another post of word vomit! (AKA lazy  as fuck to come up with a topic so I'll just write whatever comes out). 

Newsies seems to still be kicking around in my brain. It's a mood in the back of my mind while The Beach Boys take the forefront. Surprisingly but also not, Jersey Boys is still chilling somewhere back there. I only say this because right now I'm listening to Newsies at work before I open the doors and trying not to dance. And I may or may not have delved back into the fan fiction world and found some interesting things to read. But that's enough about that. 

I'm going to Florida tomorrow and my general feelings towards this are: "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!"

I, um, enjoy vacations. It's just nice to escape life for a while and chill in a place that's somewhere else. Even nicer when this place has warm weather, pools and/or beaches and an overall feeling of relaxation. You can say a nice "BYE!!!!" to all of your worries and stresses and just chill. I've said it before, I've never been so relaxed before as I was when I was floating in the pool in Florida. I'm hoping I can recapture that feeling again. It was so nice and I know that I need that right now. We're driving so there's also an added road trip which I've always wanted to do. Then I can say that I passed through and/or stayed in some random US states. Which is cool. It amps up my traveller's cred. It's gonna be fun and I'm definitely excited. 

And when I get back at the end of September, I'm planning to get my tattoo. Well, in early October but still. I have decided. I have it half-designed already. I just need to add the finishing touches. And it's hard because I can't quite get it how I want it. I wish I could draw then it might be easier. Oh well. I'll get it eventually. I'm nervous and excited about it. I'm sensing a theme with my tattoos. Words/songs of things I really love. Hey, it's going to look awesome so I'm happy!! Tattoos are life, props to all who have them!!

I've been thinking--RUN!!!!--I feel like I've slipped into this not caring state. Which is a Libra trait (or quite possibly a downfall). Being passive and maybe sometimes too passive. Which I am. I find that I just don't care. Meaning that I can't be bothered. I don't take many things as a big deal. Traffic? Whatever, just drive, we'll get there eventually. People don't like something about me? Awesome. Bye!! For a psychotically paranoid person I'm not bothered by much. (And so my contradicting personality rears its ugly head). Not to say that there aren't things I don't care about. I can be crazy-passionate about things. It's just the little things; the everyday bullshit. I just don't give a shit. Admittedly, this could be bad hence why it's the downfall of being a Libra. But I just--I mean--I don't care. 

Apparently I'm good at coming up with barf-worthy romantic lines. I came up with this the other day: "The sun rises and sets on your smile but it is no comparison to the light of your eyes." Did y'all barf? You probably did. I'll wait. Seriously though--so sappy!! And I love romantic movies. I live and die for them. Kind of. Whatever, the point is, I love them. But those lines can be so cringe-worthy!! But also cute, you know? It's nice to hear. If a man ever said something like that I'd probably cringe but also be all "awwwwww!!" Such is life. Also, where's my man? 

Why the hell is it winter? Two days ago it was all sunny and warm and I wore a tank top. Then yesterday and today it was like nope, time for winter!! But tomorrow and the rest of the week will be hot again. Only in Canada will you find bipolar weather. 

It's my birthday soon!! (Not actually, it's like a month away, but this is my thought process). A fucking quarter century old. When did this happen?! I was seventeen last year. I was born last week. It's 1990!! I'm fine. I actually don't give a shit about getting older. Sure, on some level it has a level of suckiness to it but it's not bad. The way I see it, you are still you no matter what. Age doesn't change that. It's a number. Yeah, I admit, you feel it creeping up on you and you can't believe you're getting older but it shouldn't have to be a bad thing. It only matters what you do with life. And if you're happy. But what I originally was saying was that my birthday is soon and I don't know what to do yet to celebrate. Family would just be at home on the actual day. But with friends, I'm not sure. Maybe a semi-fancy restaurant. Or like, a trip to California and/or New York? Haha. Friends? What do you think? Yes....?

Sometimes cigarette smoke smells good. (I know I'm bouncing around from topic to topic but this is word vomit after all). This dude just walked into the walk-in where I work and he smelled of smoke and it wasn't bad. Usually smoke burns your nose and gives you a headache. Sometimes though, it smells good. I don't know why. Especially on a man when it's mixed with cologne. When it's overpowering it's really gross. But mixed with cologne smells really good. And I know, smoking=bad. But it also does look cool sometimes. I can't help it. TV and movies desensitize you!! When you're watching something and you see a sexy guy and then he lights up a cigarette and you're just like "yes!!" It's hot sometimes, okay? Sue me!! But yeah, it is also gross. And yes, bad. And yes, causes cancer and disease. So yes yes, I get it.

"It's a genuine fact that surfers rule." It's stuck in my head!! No shit, it's a Beach Boys song. But I didn't listen to it so why am I singing it?!

I have an hour and a half left at work and I'm just counting down because then it's vacation time. Though I still have a bunch of shit to do. Packing is done. It's a bitch to do but it's done. And everything looks all nice and organized and it makes my OCD happy. Also I'm counting down because I want to go home and even though I like the job, work still sucks.

I had my second Salted Caramel Mocha in two days from Starbucks and it's holy shit good. I love anything salted caramel. That little bit of saltiness is so perfect. Mmm like the salted caramel truffle blizzard from Dairy Queen. So good!! Fuck me, now I wanted a blizzard. Ahh!! Oh and I also don't care about being fat right now because I'm going on vacation so what's the point? Not that I'm going to go nuts but if I want something like Starbucks, I'm going to get it. I'll leave the dieting shit for when I get back. Because I will be in a bikini next summer, I swear. 

I love being Italian. That is all. I was randomly thinking that this morning too. I mean think about it--we are so cool. We swear better than anyone. We have pasta and pizza and wine. Italy itself is beautiful. The language is beautiful. And when you watch a movie with an Italian character it's always hilarious and awesome. We're loud and talk with our hands. And oh my God, we have the best desserts. Hello cannolis, motherfucker!! We basically kick ass. 

"It's a genuine fact that surfers rule."

It won't go away!! So now I'm listening to it. *giggles* Dennis!! 

I don't know what else. I basically just wrote a bunch of random stuff. But that's the best. When you just write and write, it feels so good. It's therapeutic. You're just writing it all out, whatever it is. It's like a cleanse for your creative mind. I can't describe the feeling but it's just awesome. Even though I haven't had much time to work on my screenplays, this is good. It's good to keep my writing going and my creative mind sharp. And I really hope I can work on both of my screenplays in Florida. Finally get a good amount done. Honestly, I need to go to a remote cabin the woods for two weeks so I can just write. 

And funny sidenote: At the end of the song"Surfer's Rule", is the line: "Four seasons you better believe it." Just makes me laugh. Probably only me.

The song is still stuck in my head but at least it's more than one line now. 

Well I guess that ends this week's word vomit. Hope you enjoyed it. I'm sure I'll write a blog while in Florida.

Catch y'all on the flipside. I'm on vacation, bitches!! 
